Vickers Menu


Vickers test Parameters

Displays the Work Parameters dialog. Up to 9 hardness profiles within the same chart are possible.


New profile

Resets all the performed measurements for the current profile and resets the Test Number counter.

To display a standard graticule on the live image, see the Graticules section in WDM Video Control.

test load

Allows you to select the test load. By selecting the 0 g load the Vickers mode is disabled;



Enables or disables the measuring mode. The initial one is the Manual mode.
The Automatic mode is enabled by selecting the function from the Vickers menu: Automatic Mode.


Acquire test

The current measurement value of the current profile is sent to the table in Work Parameters. The measurement is also sent to the Excel spreadsheet if you have selected Send Measurements to Excel.


hardness profile chart

Displays the chart with the active profiles selected in Work Parameters.

send measurements to Excel

Opens automatically an Excel spreadsheet with predefined formatting. The current measurement is sent to the spreadsheet by pressing  Acquire Test


Create Report with Word

Sends automatically to the selected document template all the measurements and the information defined in Work Parameters together with the loaded image if available.


printer setup


print Report

Sends to the printer all the information entered in Work Parameters, with predefined formatting and without using Word.


load vickers File

Reloads all measurements and data in Work Parameters previously saved.


Save vickers File

Saves all measurements and data present in Work Parameters.

Automatic mode

This switch enables/disables the automatic mode. Before performing the measurement it is necessary to indicate the position of the impression with Calibration: New Center of Indentation. If the program always works in automatic mode this switch can remain selected all the time.
To perform a new measurement press
or press the Apply button in the processing window.


Calibration: New Center of indentation

This function has been added to enable the program to perform the automatic measurement even when there are several impressions in the same image.
To define the new coordinates of the center of indentation select the function and indicate with the right mouse button the approximate position of the center of indentation. If the indentation always falls in the same point of the image there is no need to redefine the New Center of Indentation at each measurement. The program saves the coordinates of the Center of Indentation for the following tests.