Video Menu

live image

Opens the video channel with the current image size.


capture VIDEO

Captures the image from the active video channel.


capture and save VIDEO

Captures the image from the active video channel and opens the Save Image dialog.



This function allows you to create a perfectly in-focus image from a series of partially in-focus source images.

From Live Image press Capture/Multifocus. The captured image will be displayed. If you  press the Do not Close Live Image switch the live image will remain active. Then modify the focus without modifying the field of view (on the microscope move only the focusing mechanism, not the stage) to bring into focus another area of the image which was previously out of focus and press the Capture/Multifocus button again. The resulting image will be a composite image made from the in-focus areas of the two captured images. The procedure can then be repeated again and again to obtain a montage of all the in-focus areas of the image.



Opens the dialog for the digital camera controls.

The format and the controls in the dialog depend on the type of selected digital camera.


current objective

Allows you to select the current objective and so the calibration for the image to be acquired.


IMAGE size

When available it defines the image size from the video camera input and opens the video channel.


do not close live image

If you select this switch, the live image is not closed at the time of capture.


acquire original size

If you select this switch, the image is acquired with its original size even if the live image is displayed in reduced form.


INTEgration camera (OPtIONAL)

Allows you to control the integration time on special video cameras.


time-lapse recording

Allows you to acquire automatically a sequence with a maximum number of 499 images and with acquisition intervals varying from a minimum of 5 seconds to a maximum of 9999 seconds.

Record: this button allows you to start recording with the set interval and number of frames.

End: interrupts the recording operation.

Animation: once recording has been performed, animation can start by pressing the Play button. The time length of the images can be set between 0.1 and 2.0 seconds per image.

The Image slider allows you to view the desired image.

The Loop check box, if selected, repeats the animation.

The Save and Load buttons allow you to store the sequence.