Database Backup

Three modes are possible. For all modes when you Start Backup you need to create or indicate the position of an empty Destination Folder and open it.

  1. The Records mode allows you to save all the current database records but not the related images.

  2. The Records and Images mode allows you to save all the data, that is, both the records and the related images.

  3. The Records and Image Transfer mode allows you to free disk space as it moves the images to another address in order to transfer them to another peripheral.


trasferring the database

Working Example

  1. Select the Records and Image Transfer mode;

  2. indicate with Complete or Partial the Block of records to be transferred ;

  3. indicate the destination unit, “C:\”;

  4. press the Start Backup button;

  5. indicate or create an empty Destination Folder;

  6. open the folder;

  7. press the Save button.

Once you have transferred the records it is possible to delete the images in the source folders, now already moved, by pressing the Delete Transferred Images button.

The Destination Folder will contain both the database records (file.mdb) and, in appropriate subfolders, the images of the transferred block of records.

The Destination Folder can then be copied to a CD with a burner. The CD can contain several work sessions. Once the CD has been burned the Destination Folder can be deleted freeing disk space.

When you open the database the records will still be present but the related images will no longer be at the original address as they have been transferred to the CD. By pressing the
Other Path button all you need to do is open the folder in the CD to reinstate automatically all the related images.



If you want to restore a Backup copy you need to open the database to be restored. If the database does not exist you need to create an empty one with the desired name. If the database already exists, the restoring procedure will overwrite the current database with that contained in the Backup copy.
To restore a Backup copy select the Records or Records and Images mode, press the Start Restore button and open the folder containing the Backup copy.