90i and TE2000 Microscopes

The Microscopedialog has two tabs: iControl and Fluorescence.


The controls for all the motorizations installed on the microscope are available in iControl.



In this dialog you can program the fluorescence acquisition of images along the Z-axis and their processing to produce a merged image.

Filter Blocks 1-2-3

Three channels are available for fluorescence image acquisition.
The switches assign a pseudo-color to the channel.

In you can select from the microscope's database the filter to be associated with the channel.

The H. Contrast, L. Contrast and Background sliders allow you to process the channel's acquired image by adjusting the contrast and by filtering the background noise.

The Show button moves back to the foreground in the multidocument environment the channel's acquired and processed image.

The button allows you to adjust the position of the image in two directions for correcting, in the final merged image, any optico-mechanical unalignment of the microscope filters.

The button saves the camera settings (Offset, Gain and Exposure Time) for the selected channel.



The Capture button activates the sequence controlling the microscope's motorized components necessary for the channel acquisition of images as selected in each Filter Block. If the Close All check box is selected, before the sequence begins all the open images in the environment are closed.
If the switch is selected, from 2 to 9 images per channel can be acquired along the microscope's Z-axis, with the same individual distance to each other indicated in the Z-step box. The number of images is displayed in Frames and is distributed above and below the plane of reference Z=0 at the start of the sequence. The images acquired in the channel are processed to obtain an in-focus intermediate image, which will then be processed with the following image. At the end of the procedure there will be an image for each channel obtained with the contribution of the images acquired along the Z-axis.



The pseudo-color images of the selected channels can be merged automatically, if the Auto check box is selected, or manually by pressing the Merge button, creating a new merged image. The H. Contrast, L. Contrast and Background controls act also on the final merged image.



Most cameras can be controlled from this panel.