
This dialog allows you to configure the system. You can select:

For a more detailed description select Tools menu -> Settings.  



The following languages are available: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish.



analog camera


digital camera



ms office


Excel Prefixes

To be able to send data to an Excel spreadsheet cell the program needs the destination coordinates and the Spreadsheet Name.  The destination coordinates are preceded by a letter which changes according to the Excel language, and the same applies to the Spreadsheet Name. For example, the first spreadsheet cell is R1C1 for Excel in Italian but L1C1 in French. Depending on the chosen language the program selects automatically the appropriate format.
By selecting the Manual Setting check box you can set these values manually, for instance, if the language in the program is different from the language in Excel.
If the Top-Most Window check box is selected, the Excel window will always be in the foreground.

word report directory

To generate a report, the program requires a directory to move images efficiently. If  the images are not displayed in the report, you need to change the directory and choose one enabled to writing.

image editor

Name of the current editor. 





Enables or disables the specified menus.

Some menus cannot be selected by the program which is being used. For example, the Analysis menu can be enabled only in X-Plus and X-Merge.



In this dialog you can set the compression factor for JPEG images.



In this dialog you can select the instruments from the list.