VfW Video Control

  The measurements and the graticules on the live image and generally the DirectX 9 technology are not available with VfW devices. You need to use WDM devices.

Control dialogs for VfW (Video for Windows) devices depend on the drivers supplied by the digitizer board manufacturer and can therefore be different from the ones shown here.


For the driver to function correctly you need:

VGA card Configuration for VfW

    1. minimum resolution: 1024x768;

    2. color: 16 or 24 bits (32-bit color is not supported);

    3. minimum memory: 16 MB.


video format Configuration

In the Video Format dialog select 24 bit RGB.

If the VfW device lacks this mode, it could be incompatible and therefore function incorrectly.


Some digitizer board manufacturers:

Compatible with VfW:

Hauppauge: Go or WinTV;

Pinnacle: miroVIDEO PCTV;


Incompatible with VfW:

AverMedia: EZ-Capture;

The manufacturer supplies only the WDM driver to be used only with the WDM Video Control mode.