Creating a Report

Reports can be generated with any Word or WordPad version or other Word-compatible editor.
In the program folder (C:\Programs\Alexasoft_X-Pro) a selection of sample reports is available.
For X-Vick you can see the template Report Vickers


A template is a correctly formatted document with keywords inserted between braces {...}. Each word identifies data in an X-Vick window and allows you to transfer its content automatically to the report.
For X-Vick one can see the template Report Vickers where all the possible keywords for X-Vick are indicated.
To transfer an image, e.g., the hardness profile chart, it is necessary to insert the string
{image00} in the report.

To position or resize the image it is necessary to insert the string {image00} in a table drawn by using the Word Tables and Borders function    (see the template

generatinG THE document TEMPLATE

To generate a new document template it may be convenient to modify an existing template chosen among the sample reports.
Outside the X-Vick program, with Word or equivalent program open the template Report Vickers and modify it at will.


Once a template layout is completed, the file must be saved with a .dot extension, which is Word's automatic extension.
Select in Word: File->Save As. The Save As dialog will open.
In  Save File as Type: select Document Template, then select the destination folder, indicate the file name and press OK to confirm.
If the file is saved with a .doc extension, i.e., as a Word Document, X-Vick will not be able to use it for generating a report automatically.


Once the hardness profile chart is completed, select Report from the Hardness Profile Chart and select the desired template. Automatically all the data of interest will be transferred to the report.
The resulting report can then be modified like any other Word document and sent to the printer or stored.


Report Sample

Text in light blue, the values of effective depth of cementation and the hardness profile chart have been transferred automatically from  X-Vick.